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Franchise Insights

Navigating the Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship

Anyone interested in opening a franchise should know the basics of the franchisee-franchisor relationship; namely, that the person buying the franchise (franchisee) is entering into a business relationship with the franchisor (the owner of the business). 

While it may seem straightforward, we are talking about a relationship between people, and like any other relationship, a franchisee-franchisor partnership takes time to grow strong and there could be some obstacles and pitfalls along the way. Here are some tips to help franchisees navigate this complex and important relationship:

  1. Research. Find out who has opened a franchise with this company before, and get their perspective on the relationship. Does the franchisee feel supported, or were they given the illusion of support at first only to see it drop off later? Getting a sense of how the full experience has really gone with a franchisor is a great place to start determining whether a company is the right fit for the kind of business you want to run.
  2. Communicate. As with any relationship, communication is key. If you need support from your franchisor, let them know with a good amount of time to prepare and deliver said support. Also understand what franchisors can and can’t help with—if you are unsure about these things, ask! (Asking is an underrated form of communication) Also, ask as early in the franchise relationship as possible so you can plan ahead for times when you’re going to need more support (new product launch, new branding campaigns, etc). Knowing what kinds of support you can receive can relieve stress and help you focus better on your own responsibilities.
  3. Understand that making the business successful is ultimately your responsibility, not the franchisor’s. As the franchise owner, you are responsible for carrying out the business systems and operations, including the hiring and managing of employees, maintaining product quality, following up on promotional events, and other elements of the day-to-day operations. The franchisor can support you in these endeavors, but it is your responsibility to know the limits of that support, ask for help when you need it, and make your own moves to ensure a smoothly running and profitable operation.

Rosati’s is a proud franchisor of nearly 200 locations across the United States, and if you’re looking to get into the franchise business, we would love to partner with you. Get more information from our franchise website today, or speak to our franchisees themselves to get a sense of our commitment to their business and the continued success of the Rosati’s brand!

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